The client provided Digital Aerial Images. They have been triangulated using ground control points. Once the AT results are approved by client the DTM elements have been compiled with our standard practices and by break line, mass points and streams.
The Project consists of DTM generation from LiDAR classified data and Photogrametrically compiled stream and break lines. First of all we have classified the LiDAR point cloud data into bare earth, buildings, vegetation and default classes. Secondly the streams and break lines have been compiled using photogrammetric method.
The purpose of this project is generating Orthophoto of 0.15 GSD from stereo compiled break lines and mass points. The project setup has been done with the provided AT results and the mass points and break lines have been compiled. The quality of the data has been verified by generating TIN and surface models and in house tools.
The purpose of the project is to generate orthophoto of 0.5m GSD with auto-correlated DEM. Auto DEM was generated from 4 band aerial images by using Inphos MATCH-T software and the terrain mainly consists of foresr and mountaneous area.